Weekly Routine Orders

Well What’s a WRO anyway. Weekly Routine Orders or WRO’s are the weekly training schedules of events being conducted within the Local Head Quarters (LHQ). So what’s an LHQ? The LHQ is the Cadet Corps and the facility that the Cadet Corps trains in on a routine basis.

WRO’s will contain information on the classes being instructed, assigned instructors, the order of dress (uniform to be worn), any upcoming optional activities, and the comments section will identify if there is anything you should bring as a just in case. Hint Hint, it’s usually only physical fitness attire, but there may be hidden gems from time to time.

For more information for a particular training night, please click on the relevant WRO link:

DayMonthNotesTraining LocationComments
23JuneParent Meeting for CTC TrainingFredericton ArmouryAll cadets and parents that have been selected to attend summer training are expected to be in attendance.
8SeptemberFirst Night Back!Fredericton ArmouryThe 8th of September will be our first night back at the unit. All cadets are asked to try on their Field Training Uniforms and their dress uniforms to ensure that everything fits. Anything that does not fit any more, should be brought in for exchange.
** The weekly routine orders may be amended from time to time as required. Please ensure that you check them regularly or the evening before training as things may change.